Friday, November 11, 2016


We are learning to understand musical notation and apply this on the recorder.

Great work Tayla and everyone in Room 2!

The Writing Process

I am learning to
  • write a report
  • I will know that I am successful when I have
  • helped my audience to know a lot about something (how to keep safe in the sun).
  • Included many important topic words.

We were writing about sun safety. To help us develop our ideas we made a sun safety collage: we had to protect the stick figure from the sun. This helped us with our ideas for our writing.

Equal Shares

WALT:  Solve problems by making equal shares, like
20 ÷4 = 5
Because 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 20
Because 5 + 5 = 10
10 + 10 = 20

Monday, September 26, 2016

Guided Reading in Term 3

We are learning to read a text for meaning

I will know I am successful when:
     I can read clearly and fluently
     I can talk about and understand what I have read

Showing the Community CARE Value

I am showing the Community CARE value by helping to keep our classroom clean and tidy.

3D Shape Properties

I am learning about the properties of 3D shapes.

I will know I am successful when:
     I can construct a 3D shape.
     I can describe the properties of my 3D shape.

Making a cylinder.

Mathletics Class of the Week for New Zealand

We are learning to practice our maths skills.

We know we have been successful because we won the prize for being the best Mathletics class in New Zealand for the week.

Great work Tayla and everyone in Room 2!

The Classroom of the Future

We are learning about 'what changes we could make to our learning environment?'

We will know we have been successful when:

     We have thought of some ideas for changes we would like to make.
     We have produced a model that includes these ideas.

Looking good Tayla!  Keep up the good work.


Easy Blog Photo

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Friday Te Reo Lessons in the Hall

I am learning to sing waiata.

I will know I am successful when I can:

     pronounce the vocabulary
     join in with the actions

Friday, July 15, 2016

Insect Models

I am learning to make a paper mache insect.

My insect has the correct body parts.
I can create using paper mache.

Your insect is looking good Tayla, keep up the good work.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Cross Country Running

I am learning to run long distances.

I can pace myself over a long distance.
I can compete fairly.

Great running Tayla!

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Styx Mill Reserve Trip Recount

I am learning to
  • write a recount
I will know that I am successful when I have
  • helped my audience to know a lot about something (my Styx Mill trip)
  • Included many important words about my topic

Well done Tayla, you have described what we did on our trip.

Watercolour Painting

I am learning to paint using watercolours.

I will know I am successful when:

I have used colours effectively.
I have applied paint carefully and selectively to the corrects areas.


I am learning to apply my maths skills.

I will know I am successful when:

I am able to answer questions correctly.
I earn Mathletics certificates.

Well done Tayla.  You are a star Mathlete!

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Guided Reading

Learning Objective: recognise that texts are shaped for different purposes and audiences.

I will know I am successful when:

I can say what I know about the characters. I can say what I think it is about
I can say why I think someone wrote this book (to entertain, persuade or inform)

Well done Tayla. You read this book carefully and showed you understood what it was about.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Styx Mill Reserve Trip (3rd June)

What changes do I need to make to protect habitats and species?

ANZAC Day Information Report

I am learning to
  • write an information report
I will know that I am successful when I have
  • helped my audience to know a lot about something (ANZAC Day)
  • Included many important words about my topic